The third legendary pinup is Ninchan, the first pinup to join Nindo Company and form the NChans you know today. You could say she is the original pinup of all! Ninchan is also Lawchan’s ancestor and was known for her toughness. I wonder how would feel Ninchan about our pinups.
Pinups Legends is a theme with special set of styles feauring legendary pinups from present and past day so this includes Nindo Company’s hostesses that are no longer alive in Honchan’s time.
Special Background:
- Nindo Company – Pool (1880s)
Pinups Legends:
- Legendary NChans – Ninchan
- Legendary Ninchan
We will keep updating the app with more styles to come, both free and premium. Thanks and have fun using our NChans Style service!

To use premium styles, you need the Premium Pass. This allow you to use all premium styles (Pinups Summer, Sweet Sweet Weddings, Bewitching Halloween and the futures premium styles) for an unlimited number of times without ads for a better user experience.
You can also purchase NChans Style+ and have the exclusive stickers feature to further customize your homescreens!